Comments Policy

We welcome comment, criticism, and debate on Place North West, but ask that participants adhere to the following community standards:

  • Ensure discussion is relevant and on topic
  • No personal attacks or abuse, especially where the person is named
  • Keep arguments constructive, succinct, and to the point
  • Do not impersonate or mock someone else
  • Do not use swear words or other offensive, racist, or sexist language
  • Do not post potentially libellous or defamatory comments, which might unduly damage the reputation of an individual or a company
  • Do not post commercial promotions, spam, or sales pitches
  • Do use proper, well-written sentences, avoiding block capitals and typos, and take the time and care to put forward a reasonable argument

Comments are published at the discretion of the Place North West team, with guidance from the community standards above.

We reserve the right to stop comment threads on stories if the conversation goes too far off-topic or becomes overly negative and disrespectful to the community.

We also reserve the right to edit comments if one part of the statement is fair and reasonable, but another part fails to comply with the policy.

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