Date: 15 February 2024, 8:00 - 12:00
Location: Bridgewater Hall, Lower Mosley St, Manchester M2 3WS
Email: events@placenorthwest.co.uk
North West Emerging Development Hotspots
Date: 15 February 2024, 8:00 - 12:00
Location: Bridgewater Hall, Lower Mosley St, Manchester M2 3WS
Email: events@placenorthwest.co.uk
Where should investors be looking to put their money? Local authorities from across the North West will gather to showcase the areas they’ve earmarked for development. Expect to learn more about Bootle, Barrow, Birkenhead, Blackpool and more. This is a do-not-miss event for anyone looking to make that next great investment.
8.00am Arrival, networking & breakfast
8.50am Welcome from Julia Hatmaker, editor, Place North West
8.55am Presentation: Angela Jones, director of thriving places, Westmorland & Furness Council
9.15am Presentation: Nick Gerrard, growth & prosperity programme director, Blackpool Council
9.35am Presentation: Aidan Thatcher, director of place, Wigan Council
9.55am ‘Bridging the Gap’ panel:
Will Church, executive director, investment advisory, CBRE
Duncan Inglis, director of the North, Homes England
Angela Jones, director of thriving places, Westmorland & Furness Council
10.30am Refreshment and networking break
11.00am Presentation: Christian Rogers, executive director of place, Sefton Council
11.20am Presentation: Sarah Ashurst, head of partnerships & investment, Salford City Council
11.40am Presentation: Cllr Paul Stuart, council leader, Wirral Council
12.00pm Closing remarks, lunch and further networking
Organisations signed up to attend include Capital&Centric, Chancerygate, Homes England, Mace Group, Wain Estates, Livingway, Maple Grove Developments, Victor Developments, Muse, Arcadis, CBRE, Lichfields, FirstPort, Story Homes, and many more.
Tickets cost £80+VAT. There will be a mix of presentations and panels. Breakfast and lunch are included, providing plenty of opportunity for business development.
This event is sponsored by Wigan Council, Morgan Sindall Construction, JMW, and Mansell Building Solutions.
- AIDAN THATCHER, Wigan Council | Wigan is an ambitious council that is decidedly open for business. Thatcher will be highlighting Leigh and why this is the next great community for a borough that is dedicated to delivery.
- NICK GERRARD, Blackpool Council | Gerrard leads the team responsible for implementing Blackpool’s £2bn transformative growth & prosperity investment programme. Gerrard will be delving more into what’s in store for Blackpool.
- ANGELA JONES, Westmorland & Furness Council | The recently created Cumbria authority encompasses Barrow-in-Furness, South Lakeland, and Eden. Barrow-in-Furness, in particular, has already attracted the attention of Whitehall. Expect Jones to share what all the hype is about, as well as where opportunities lie for growth.
- CHRISTIAN ROGERS, Sefton Council | Bootle’s regeneration was part of the council’s successful Levelling Up Fund bid, with £20m reserved for transforming the Bootle Strand shopping complex. What will this mean for the future? Rogers will have the details.
- CLLR PAUL STUART, Wirral Council | “The Future is Birkenhead” proclaims a neon pink sign outside the town’s Future Yard venue. Cllr Stuart will delve into why those words are prescient, and what the council is up to in order to make that slogan a reality.
- SARAH ASHURST, Salford City Council | Last year, Salford City Council spoke about Eccles. This year, they have a new area up their sleeve. Ashurst will shed light on the next great development hotspot in the city and outline what investment the council is after.
- WILL CHURCH, CBRE | Church has been setting up & managing regional impact funds since the launch of the Evergreen Fund in 2010. Other Funds include Northern Ireland Investment Fund, SY Jessica Fund and SY Pension Fund’s regional debt strategy. Will is also co-lead for the GM Property Ventures Fund.
- DUNCAN INGLIS, Homes England | Duncan Inglis is director of the North at Homes England. Homes England is the government’s housing and regeneration agency and, as such, has been a key strategic partner in some of the largest development schemes in the country. Inglis will share information regarding how Homes England is working with places to drive housing and regeneration.
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