Wainhomes secures planning consent at appeal
Following a public inquiry in April 2013, Wainhomes Developments has won planning approval to build 60 homes on a greenfield site in Rochdale.
The site is to the south of Rochdale town centre next to Ginell Farm in Broad Lane to the north of the M62.
The key issues considered by the inspector were the sustainability of the site, internal layout, site access, traffic calming and highway safety concerns.
Broad Land Action Group, consisting of local residents, provided evidence against the development proposals at the inquiry.
Wainhomes Developments was represented by QC Vincent Fraser of Kings Chambers. Expert evidence for Wainhomes Developments was provided by Amjid Khan, director of Royal HaskoningDHV, on highways and transport issues. Stephen Harris, associate director at Emery Planning Partnership, provided evidence on policy and masterplanning matters.
Stephen Robinson, managing director of Wainhomes Developments, said: "This is a positive outcome for us. The proposed development will provide much needed high quality housing in Rochdale."