Indigo publishes mobile planning guide
Manchester-based Indigo Planning has produced a free application for the Apple iPhone that helps identify the correct building use class for different types of occupier.
The novel planning tool follows the popular computer 'mouse mats' produced by Indigo carrying the use classes order and circulated to 10,000 contacts and clients over the past few years.
The idea for the app came from assistant planners in the London office and was developed by web company Yarg.
Users of the app select from a list of building types or business uses and are then taken to the correct use class. The app also shows examples of changes that can be made both within the same use class and to other use classes without the need for a new planning application.
Apps for Blackberry and Android phones will be published in 2011.
Indigo Manchester director Bill Davidson said it fits in "with part of a wider strategy for developing and raising our brand profile as we emerge fighting fit from the recession, geared around applying 'smart thinking' to all we do."
iPhone users can find the app by searching for Indigo Planning in the app store.