Knowsley launches 1,500-home Halewood masterplan

The council is looking to gauge public views on the site to the east of Halewood, with three housebuilders, Redrow, Bellway, and Miller already on board to help deliver 1,500 homes across the 200-acre semi-rural site.

Working with consultants Optimised Environments, the council has drawn up a wide-ranging masterplan for the site, which was allocated for development under Knowsley’s Local Plan, adopted in 2016.

The site stretches from Higher Road to the south, through Finch Woods and Finch Farm, past Everton FC’s training academy, and north beyond the Liverpool to Manchester railway line, with the north-western boundary running along Ditton Brook.

Much of the site is currently in agricultural use, and existing buildings in the area include the Merseyside Dogs’ Home, houses and farms on Lower Road, and the RSPCA Liverpool branch on higher road.

Overall there are 19 different landownerships in the area; the RSPCA site is owned by Miller Homes; while other agricultural land parcels are owned by Redrow and Bellway. Redrow has the single largest plot at nearly 50 acres, while Bellway’s largest plot amounts to 30 acres.

Other plots on the site are owned by United Utilities, Knowsley Council, the Hesketh Estate, and Cheshire East Council, which owns a two-acre plot of woodland.

Under the proposed masterplan, Finch Woods will be retained and enhanced, while an area of meadow will also be retained to the North West, bordering Ditton Brook.

The site is also home to the grade-two listed grave of Blackie the war horse, which will be preserved and enhanced as part of the development.

Around 1,500 homes are proposed in the masterplan, with a mix of housing types and tenures being proposed. A quarter of these will be provided at affordable tenures, with 10% as affordable ownership and 15% split between affordable rent and shared ownership. These will primarily be two and three-bed homes.

Although no retail is proposed as part of the masterplan, access to existing shops in the district centre will be a priority, while upgrades to local education facilities and highways will also be supported.

Two consultation events are being held on the masterplan, and are due to take place on Wednesday 13 March between 3pm and 7pm, and on Saturday 16 March between 10am and 2pm at Halewood Leisure Centre on Baileys Lane.

The consultation documents can also be viewed here.

Cllr Tony Brennan, cabinet member for regeneration and economic development, said “This is an exciting new development that will offer a range of new homes that will be well-connected to existing local shops, leisure, health and other local services and amenities, with access to bus and train services as well as cycling and walking routes.

“It will offer greater housing choice for existing Halewood residents, including affordable housing options as well as attracting new people and families into the area. We would really like to hear community views about our emerging plans.”

Your Comments

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Fuming. Would never of bought a house here if I knew this. Such a shame. Another way for the council to be greedy I suppose.

By Anonymous

So disappointed… Destroying the Halewood area with no concern of the people who already live here.

By Anonymous

Why you have suggested to hear our views is ridiculous!! As you well know more than 3 quarters of Halewood decided against it and you still went ahead with no consideration for the people who live in the area.. Selfishly no expansion for local shops. Schooling or health practises.

By Anonymous

Ah now it makes sense why the RSPCA centre closed! Housing. Not lack of funding. So did the RSPCA sell the site?

By Mary Smiley

What exactly is affordable housing??? Have there been any prices been suggested. I live in halewood and renting but want to get on the property ladder, will these houses help me do that or are they going to be outside of the average person’s price range.

By Anonymous

No social housing then ? And these so called affordable homes r not so affordable , their ridiculously priced

By Anonymous

Affordable housing has multiple different tenures depending on what is agreed. Social rented, shared ownership, starter homes (20% discount from market) etc. So yes It will help you get on the property ladder anon, but its not a handout.

By Anonymous

As if Halewood hasn’t got enough gangs on the streets it’s going to be ten fold by the time this development has finished Put a stop on this development NOW

By Anonymous

I heard the tenure for construction is going exclusively to Mafia organisations and the project is being fronted by the Crays from beyond the grave…
I’ve heard some excuses for nimbyism in my time but a 10 fold increase in gangland activity is absolutely top drawer. Its a great location, significant housing need, get them built!

By Wellity

The RSPCA Liverpool Branch wanted to stay there but got told no

By Sara Rankin

No retail. No school. No doctors. No dentist. No pub. Not a single solar panel on the roof of any of the houses built. What a disgrace. Knowsley council hang your heads in shame.

By Markin

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