Didsbury pub demolition leads Manchester agenda
An OMI-designed housing scheme on the site of the Old House At Home pub on Burton Road will go before Manchester City Council’s planning committee next week with a recommendation to approve, despite objections from more than 80 local residents.
The pub on the site, described by the architect as “a popular boozer” with “a chequered past” has been closed since the latter part of 2017 and is now vacant.
Developer Britannia bought the site at the end of last year and is now planning to demolish the pub and replace it with homes for private sale.
The developer is proposing to build 12 four-bed family homes – revised down from an initial 13 first put forward earlier this year – all of which will be three storeys and brick-clad, with private drives accessed via Burton Road.
The developer, headed up by Mohammad Jamil, has developed 57 homes and around 10 shops in the local area since it was founded in the late 1980s.
OMI said the removal of the pub would “dramatically improve the amenity” of neighbouring properties; originally, a roof terrace was to be included on the first floor of the houses but this has been removed following overlooking concerns.
However, there has still been opposition from local residents, with 81 objections submitted in response to the planning application.
These focussed on overdevelopment concerns and a lack of car parking provision on site; there were also issues raised over a loss of privacy and residential amenity, and arguments that the design was “out of keeping” with the local area.
Despite this, planners said the development would not have “unacceptable impacts on residential amenity” particularly as the site was formerly used as a pub which previously generated late-night noise.
In their report to committee, planning officer said: “It is acknowledged that the application site poses some challenges given its configuration. It is also recognised that given its past use as a public house which comprised a single building and car park, any development will have a noticeable impact.”
Following changes to the scheme, including the reduction in the number of homes, a reduction in height to the rear of the site, and the removal of terraces and balconies, planners said the proposals were “acceptable and accord with national and local planning policies” and recommended the project for approval when Manchester’s planning committee meets on 23 August.
The professional team features planner NJL; heritage consultant Wardell Armstrong; ecologist Urban Green; and transport consultant SCP.
Missed the headline ‘New Homes at Old House at Home’
By A Journalist
Didsbury? Surely this is Withington. The boundaries of Didsbury seem to expand on a daily basis.
By Sad
In what sense does the removal of a pub and the building of private resi developments “dramatically improve the amenity of neighbouring properties”, exactly?
Very much pushing the boundary of Didsbury here, as well. Just like the two houses down the road, that have still failed to sell, another greedy developer with a talent in talking nonsense.
Though I must admit, the development itself isn’t actually that bad. Not sure about it’s placement or proximity to the current properties, but generally doesn’t look terrible. Though Britannia have a long and proud portfolio of complete rubbish, so lets wait and see if the renderlandia images reflect reality.
By Daveboi
4 bedroom 3 story… Who the hell is going to buy there? hey are not family homes. They will not be affordable…. They will be bought by an investor who will then rent them out. It will end up being 4 un-related people to a house. Each house will have 4 cars, so there goes the parking.. And the Council allow this all the time!! No though to local infrastructure…
By Chris
Developers love to build houses with no car parking don’t they, more profit, the cars become someone else’s problem. Four bedroom houses. How many cars per dwelling is that going to be? Two for sure, possibly four. Where will they all park? The houses in the estate behind all rely on their own street parking, there are no garages or drives. Guess whose problem the extra cars are going to be.
By K Glazzard
@K Glazzard – levels of parking are usually dictated by planning authorities as a way of easing traffic congestion. In somewhere like Didsbury/Withington it is entirely possible to live life without a car. There are frequent bus routes and good cycle lanes
By Anonymous
Providing car parking makes it easier for people to have a car… thereby increasing congestion. The idea that parking provision alleviates congestion baffles me
By Baffler
Anyone local would call this ‘on the boundary between Withington and West Didsbury’. Didsbury proper it ain’t. Re. ‘family homes’… Maybe. 4 bedrooms is a good thing since the area is over-provided w. 2 bdrm apartments generated by turning larger terraces and semis into flats… But they won’t really make ‘family homes’ unless they have gardens, and given the size of the site I suspect townhouses with yards is more likely. Still, 4 bdrm is definitely a good thing, as in short supply locally.
By W Didsbury
Didsbury my @rse. I used to live next door in Chatham Court. It’s Withington and always has been. More estate agency/developer lies to peddle more unaffordable overpriced housing.
By John Quigley
Yes it’s Withington NOT DIDSBURY
By Ryan