GVS, GVS, p planning

Cassidy + Ashton described the headquarters as a £10m project. Credit: via planning documents

Spring 2025 target for £10m Lancashire manufacturing facility

GVS Filter Technology is gearing up to move its UK headquarters from Morecambe to Quernmore.

Cassidy + Ashton designed the filtration component company’s new Lancashire base, which was granted planning permission by Lancaster City Council last month. The 21,500 sq ft complex will accommodate the company’s more than 190 staff members and offer both offices and production areas.

“The GVS team are excited about the chance to bring all our business functions together under one roof,” said Ben Hartropp, head of engineering at GVS.

Contractors are set to be appointed this autumn for the project, with work starting in January 2024. The office and production facility is set to be complete by spring 2025.

Situated off Caton Road and overlooking the River Lune, the site was the former home for paper producer Sofidel. Part of Sofidel’s space will be retained and refurbished as part of GVS’s plans.

Those plans also call for a building that will enable the company to meet its carbon neutral goals. Cassidy + Ashton’s designs include rooftop solar panels and heat transfer management systems. A wildlife pond will also act as a sustainable drainage system.

“We’re committed to working with our client partners to design and create buildings that contribute to a more sustainable world,” said Alistair Baines, chairman of Cassidy + Ashton.

“Our plans for GVS’ new commercial facility reflect a conscious decision by the company to ensure they are taking the right measures towards being carbon neutral.

He continued: “In relocating their UK operations, GVS seeks to make a real mark in Lancaster on a prominent site alongside the River Lune. GVS is committed to providing a long-term sustainable facility to align with the company’s carbon net zero aspirations. Cassidy + Ashton looks forward to supporting them to achieve this.”

In addition to Cassidy + Ashton, the project team for the GVS office includes Ryder Landscape Consultants, Hydrock, RSK, Red Acoustics, PSA Design, and Bowland Tree Consultancy.

You can learn more about the project by searching 23/00063/FUL on Lancaster City Council’s planning portal.

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