Altrincham College ext, P, planning docs

Lancaster Maloney Martin is leading on design. Credit: via planning documents

Altrincham College expansion up for approval

Trafford Council is expected to greenlight proposals for a 31-classroom extension at the Green Lane site next week.

Altrincham College is looking to add science labs and technology rooms, as well as two infill extensions to create a larger kitchen and dining hall.

Lancaster Maloney Martin is the principal designer for the scheme, which would provide the college with 300 additional places, increasing the pupil headcount from 875 to 1,175.

The proposal ties in with Trafford Council’s aim to address the need within the community for increased school places in Altrincham and Sale, according to documents lodged with the application.

Although the college is within the Green Belt, a justification has been put forward that the visual impact on the landscape will not be significantly different from the existing view.

There is already a three-storey building at the college’s main block, and it is suggested this development would be in keeping with the context of the site.

There are currently 85 car park spaces at the campus but this would increase with an additional 27 spaces to be added if the expansion is given the go-ahead.

Hacking Ecology, Axis, and WML Consulting are also advising on the plans.

To view the plans, search for reference number 113464/FUL/24 on Trafford Council’s planning portal.

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Wow, what did Altrincham College students do to deserve this?

By Anonymous

This is, quite literally, monumentally horrendous. How is this ode to cheap box architecture in any way an inspired learning centre?

By S

An architect would have studied for years to get to this point and this is what they produce? The council shouldn’t approve designs like this

By Quail

‘Leading on design’ ? The brief not to say the budget must have been so pared back that no leadership was required…or apparent.

By Pugins Ghost

How is such a poor design supposed to inspire and foster a place for learning? Looks like a cheap prison!

By A

According to the ARB register, Lancaster Maloney Martin employ no architect’s and it shows. I pray for the day the government protect the function and not just the title of Architect. But I believe hell will freeze over the same day. Until then, we have to subject people to this banality.

By Egg

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