Anderson plans £1 empty house sales

Liverpool mayor Cllr Joe Anderson's cabinet will vote on Friday on proposals to bring 179 homes back into use in Kensington, Granby and Picton.

Approval is expected to be given to the plans for vacant properties in Granby Four Streets, Arnside Road and Webster Triangle East.

The plans include a pilot Homesteading scheme, which would see up to 20 properties being sold to local people for £1. Residents would be expected to refurbish properties to Decent Home Standard, which means they must be in a reasonable state of repair, be warm, weatherproof and have reasonably modern facilities. They would also be required to live in the property for five years and not sub-let it within that time.

Some properties will be transferred to the Riverside Group, which will refurbish them and offer them for sale at 25% below market value. The model has already proved to be a success in other parts of the city, with the Riverside Group bringing 250 properties back into use.

Under the plans, small groups of properties may also be sold to private landlords. Those who bid for the properties will need to commit to refurbishing them to Decent Homes Standard, and will also be required to be a member of the council's CLASS accreditation scheme for landlords.

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