tesco issham p. google earth

The development will also provide eight holiday apartments. Credit: Google Earth

Blackpool greenlights Tesco Express

The old Topshop on Victoria Street will be converted to house the convenience store, as well as eight holiday apartments on the upper floors.

Plans for the redevelopment were approved by town hall planners under delegated powers.

London-based developer Issham Chehab lodged the plans for a Tesco Express to take over the site last August.

There will be four flats on the first floor. An additional second floor will be created to accommodate a further four flats.

The two-bedroom apartments will range in size from 770 sq ft to 1,100 sq ft. Each holiday home will have a lounge, dining room, kitchen, and bathroom, while those on the second floor will also have a balcony.

Keystone designed the project. which will also provide residents with a roof garden and hot tub.

The commercial unit previously accommodated displaced market traders, who temporarily set up there following Abingdon Street Market’s closure in July 2021. All businesses moved out in June last year.

Blackpool Council’s reference number for the application is 22/0644.

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