BOOK NOW | Meet the Authorities: Public-Private Partnerships
How can the private sector make the most of public sector spend? Meet the Authorities: Private-Public Partnerships will tackle that question, and more, next Thursday.
Government funding has shaped many town agendas over the past few years, fuelling ambitious regeneration projects with Levelling Up and High Street funds – not to mention the £486m granted to North West communities through Town Deals.
On 7 July, we’ll be debating the best way to marry private sector wants with public sector needs and how we can create projects that improve our communities. Expect to hear how developers can pitch a deal that authorities will find hard to refuse. And hear from the local authorities themselves on their priorities.
If you have ever wanted to try for those big government projects, this is a session you won’t want to miss.
Meet the Authorities: Public-Private Partnerships will be held on 7 July at the Science and Industry Museum in Manchester. The event is sponsored by ClearFibre, Curtins and Wates.
The event begins with networking and breakfast at 8am, followed by two panels and presentations. There will also be networking breaks to aid you in making valuable connections.
Attendees include representatives from Harworth, Arcadis, Krol Corlett Construction, Forshaw Group and Pension Insurance Corporation.
Confirmed speakers
- Becca Heron, strategic director of growth and development, Manchester City Council
- Paul Lakin, executive director of place, Bury Council
- Malcolm Jackson, chief operating officer, Langtree
- Karen Hirst, director, Maple Grove Developments
- Richard Roe, corporate director for place, Trafford Council
- Gavin Taylor, executive director, FEC
- Dave Saville, regional director, Wates
- Cllr Gina Dowding, cabinet member for planning and placemaking, Lancaster City Council
- Ben Townsend, director of development, Trafford Housing Trust
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