Best Office View

Town & Country Vibro (top) won our competition last year, with Mason Owen, Cole Waterhouse, and AECOM claiming second, third, and fourth place. Credit: via reader submissions

COMPETITION | Does your office have the best view?

Once more, Place is on the lookout for the workspace with the most breathtaking view. Winners of our contest will receive tickets to our upcoming Offices + Workspace conference plus the ever important bragging rights.

Last year, Town & Country Vibro took the crown with its wintry landscape in Leyland, defeating Mason Owen’s Liverpool skyline view, Cole Waterhouse’s Manchester cityscape, and AECOM’s cathedral vista – as well as nearly 20 other entries.

Think your office view has what it takes to claim the top prize? Submit your picture one of three ways:

  1. Email your office view photo to, with the subject line Best Office Views.
  2. Post your office view photo on LinkedIn and tag Place North West in the post. Use the hashtag #BestPlaceView.
  3. Post your office view photo on Instagram and tag @PlaceNorthWest in the post. Use the hashtag #BestPlaceView.

Your entry should include where your office is located and a short sentence explaining why you think you have the best view. To be clear, we won’t be judging you on your description – the photo is the crux of the matter – but it is always nice for our voters to have some background intel.

The deadline for entries is Friday 13 September.

Only send in photos you own the rights to. By submitting your picture, you authorise Place North West to use it in future content. Also: only offices in the North West are eligible for the competition – keep those Yorkshire and North East snaps away.

So who will decide the winner? That, dear reader, is you. Polls will open on 16 September and close at noon on 20 September, with the winner announced the week after.

Our champion will receive two tickets to our Offices + Workspace event on 10 October, a news story announcing their win, and the knowledge that they have the best view in the North West.

May the odds be ever in your favour.

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