Contract out for £10m Stockport industrial estate
Stockport Council is looking for a contractor to deliver the design, construction and fit-out of up to 160,000 sq ft of light industrial and employment space on the former Gorsey Bank housing estate in Cheadle Heath.
Plans for the 19-acre site next to Gorsey Bank Park, designed by Carillion and HOW Planning, were approved in January. The estate will be made up of 10 units.
The development represents a £10m investment. The buildings will be marketed to businesses undertaking clean manufacturing, storage, small scale distribution and administrative uses.
Existing public open space in the area will be enhanced as part of the scheme.
Gorsey Bank’s industrial focus is intended to complement Muse Development’s 370,000 sq ft office-led scheme at Stockport Exchange in the town centre. Construction of a 1,000-space multi-storey car park is now complete, and a 43,000 sq ft office and hotel is currently on site.
It is anticipated that construction at Gorsey Bank will commence later this year with the first buildings occupied in 2016.
CBRE is the agent for Gorsey Bank and is overseeing the tender process.
The deadline for receipt of tenders is 23 October at 10am.