Millom Leisure Centre, P, Cumberland Council

Thomas Armstrong has been appointed as contractor on the Millom Leisure and Activity Centre project. Credit: Cumberland Council.

Contractor appointed for £11m Millom Leisure Centre

Maryport-based Thomas Armstrong will undertake the design and build of the facility, for which plans could be in by next month or July.

It is being delivered by the Millom Town Deal Board and Cumberland Council as one of four projects to secure £20.6m overall from central government’s Town’s Fund, alongside a further £8.7m in match funding.

The aim is for the Millom Leisure Centre project, which has an £11m budget, to be completed by March 2026.

Once built, it will house a swimming pool, sports hall, and fitness studio, to encourage an improvement in the level of community health and wellbeing of residents.

David Savage, chair of Millom Town Deal Board, said: “I understand how important this project is to the community and I am pleased to offer this long-awaited update. The appointment of Thomas Armstrong is a significant step forward on the journey to transform plans into a valued new facility for the Town.

“We are also actively working hard to engage with potential operators for this new exciting development.

“With Thomas Armstrong now onboard to focus on the design and build, we can prepare for the next key milestone in securing planning permission.”

Leader of Cumberland Council, Cllr Mark Fryer, added: “This is one of a number of exciting schemes we are taking forward across the Cumberland area which have the potential to make a significant difference to people’s lives. It is great to see progress being made and a contractor appointed.”

Progress is being made on other elements of the town deal such as the Connecting Millom and Haverigg active travel project.

Cumberland has also appointed Day Cummins to source experts from different fields to progress the designs, procure a contractor, and oversee the construction of the arts centre in Millom, as part of the Reactivating Heritage Buildings project.

The £2m transformation of a former bank into an arts and enterprise centre for the community was granted planning permission last month.

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