Stockport Masterplan, ECF Stockport MDC, p Font Comms

The scheme is spread over three main plots. Credit: via Font Comms

ECF fleshes out vision for £250m Stockport 8  

Billed as one of the largest regeneration projects in the UK, the scheme will provide 1,200 homes as part of the Stockport Mayoral Development Corporation’s 130-acre town centre masterplan. 

English Cities Fund, a joint venture between Muse, Legal & General, and Homes England, was appointed as the MDC’s development partner last May.  

Today, ECF has launched a public consultation on its plans for the £250m Stockport 8 neighbourhood, with a planning application expected this autumn. 

Joe Stockton, senior development manager at Muse, said: “This is one of the largest town centre regeneration projects in the UK and it’s only right that the local community is at the heart of what we do.  

“We’re excited to find out what local people and businesses want to see in the area to help us shape the plans and ensure there is something for everyone. We want to design a thriving, inclusive neighbourhood that will deliver the needs of the community now, and for generations to come, and that has Stockport’s independent spirit and character at its core.” 

Stockport Jan , ECF Stockport MDC, p Active Profile

A planning application is expected in autumn. Credit: via Font Comms

Located on council-owned land either side of King Street West and next to the railway viaduct, the plans will reconnect the site to nearby neighbourhoods and the town centre. Schemes already being delivered nearby include Capital&Centric’s Weir Mill and the redevelopment of the town’s bus station, which features a new transport interchange and a 196-home BTR development.   

The draft masterplan and concept sketches for Stockport 8 show the joint venture’s early thoughts on how the development might emerge – with an emphasis on walkability and sustainability. 

The 1,200 homes would be available on a variety of tenures including properties designated as affordable, build-to-rent units, and homes for open market sale. 

In addition, the masterplan proposes the creation of commercial space including offices and retail units, outdoor green spaces, and fast broadband speeds. 

A second community conversation is planned in the summer. To get involved in the current consultation visit 

Shedkm is the architect, Planit is advising on landscape, and Deloitte is the planning consultant. Additionally, Walker Sime is the project manager and Font Comms will lead on the consultation. 

Stockport Jan , ECF Stockport MDC, p Font Comms

Stockport 8 is located next to several emerging residential developments. Credit: via Font Comms

Your Comments

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Looks fantastic! Get it built

By Anonymous

Some have been against any development near the viaduct but I like how they bring it in as a backdrop for a new community. Similar to what you see around the Brooklyn bridge in NY.

By Tomo

If they get this right, blimey. Very exciting.

By Tom

If they get this right it could be an amazing transformation.
I hope they look to Castlefield for inspiration with red brick materials to provide symmetry with the Viaduct as oppose to cheap cladding.
The last thing Stockport needs is another Red Rock !

By Steven

looks great but how are the going to fund it? Build costs here will be the same as anywhere and values / rents are no where near as strong. Do the public sector have to pick up the full tab?

By marco

Fantastic to see what’s planned for Stockport – get it built.

By Dippy

Just keep cars out of Stockport centre make it user friendly for pedestrians & cyclists

By Anonymous

Stockport has so much potential. Also it’s good to see balconies.

By CraIg

Looks great. But 1200 homes on a variety of tenures – lets hope it not 1175 private and 25 affordable. Or worse follow the Mcr Model where it ends up as 1200 private as the developer suddenly couldn’t get the figures to stack up……..

By FromtheBoro

Fantastic they can leave there lovely apartment and walk up king Street to the war zone that is Edgeley that’s probably had 6p spent on it in the last 30 years

By Anonymous

I really hope there is some budget to improve the adjoining highways for walking, wheeling, and cycling alongside this opportunity. The existing design is prohibitive.

By Active Travel Trev

Great stuff. Fingers crossed for this coming through quickly.

By D

And how many commercial and industrial businesses will be displaced in the process, in a borough that has an employment land supply, that is not fit for purpose…

By Grumpy Old Git

Let’s hope we have lots of new shops to go with it

By Anonymous

Great yet more so called apartments , when will people listen to what people wound really like eg house with a small garden more shops ,dentist doctor a place where will actually get to know their neighbour’s .while the plan all the apartments with few parking spaces ,people still have to do the big shop go to work ,visit relatives and friends you can can’t count on public transport few and far between and finally why is it all centred round the town centre when other area are in need of improvement

By Anonymous

Brick Brick Brick no Cladding, spoils the view all that look-alike plastic. Nothing to be proud of once built that apartment block above the bus depot, very shabby will look like Milton Keynes.

Take inspiration from what others have suggested using materials within Stockport or nearby that connect the buildings to what Stockport was before Brick not an eyesore!

By Recently

Where and where are all the schools for these proposed new houses/ appartments families going to be built?

By Anonymous

About time
Is their any information on Parking spaces and parking fees
What is happening to the old shopping precinct it is an eye sore

By Anonymous

To many high rise buildings obliterating the sky. Stockport Town centre is not connected, it is a sprawling mess of unconnected areas.

By Anonymous

Yes looks great! Put Stockport on the map as the place to be!

By Anonymous

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