Crescent Innovation, Salford, P, RMS

The Crescent Innovation plans have been approved by Salford City Council. Credit: RMS

Green light for ECF’s £2.5bn Salford masterplan first phase

Proposals to develop a 29-acre site between Broughton Road East and University Road, including 933 homes, have been approved by the city council.

Crescent Innovation, which is key to a wider 252-acre scheme, is an innovation district that covers almost 1,000 homes, 1.7m sq ft of commercial space, academic and research floorspace, active ground-floor space, and a car park.

The plan was brought forward by Crescent, a partnership featuring Salford City Council, the University of Salford, and ECF – a joint venture between Homes England, Legal & General, and Muse.

Crescent Innovation is intended to build on the city’s research and development strength and this phase of the wider ECF masterplan has now been approved by Salford City Council.

Salford City Mayor, Paul Dennett, said: “With our Crescent partners, ECF and the University of Salford, we are pushing ahead with our vision to create world-class research and development facilities that local people and businesses can benefit from.

“The Crescent Innovation proposals are a key element of the wider vision for the Crescent area and will change the face of the area through the creation of a high-quality innovation environment, where people can achieve their full potential.

“I am delighted to see that this important planning application has been approved and look forward to seeing our vision delivered on the ground.”

Vice-Chancellor of the University of Salford Professor Nic Beech, added: “This is a major milestone in our shared mission to transform Salford into a global hub for innovation and groundbreaking research.

“Working alongside our Crescent partners, we are committed to advancing our vision of creating world-class facilities that will benefit local residents and businesses. I am thrilled that this significant planning application has been approved and eagerly anticipate seeing our shared vision come to life.”

Max Bentham, development director at ECF, said: “The approval of the plans for Crescent Innovation marks a significant step forward in our collective mission to make Salford a global hub for innovation and groundbreaking research.”

The Crescent masterplan aims to deliver more than 3,000 homes, 1m sq ft of offices, retail, leisure, a multi-model transport hub, and large areas of green space.

It is located within Salford’s Innovation Triangle, comprising Salford Quays and MediaCityUK, the University of Salford, and Salford Royal Hospital.

Other recently completed university facilities include the North of England Robotics Innovation Centre, the Science, Engineering, and Environment (SEE) building, and Energy House 2.0.

CBRE advised ECF on planning for Crescent Innovation, while Make Architects has led on design.

To view the plans, search for application reference number 23/81238/OUTEIA on Salford City Council’s planning portal.

Your Comments

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Might I suggest that Liverpool council gets on the blower to ECF and urges them to buy out Peel’s ownership of Central Docks so that something might actually happen? Otherwise we’ll be waiting for the next ‘inspirational’ masterplan in ten years’ time.

By More Anonymous than the others

Everything for the students ,nothing for the locals

By Anonymous

Let’s hope they start to raise the Design bar on the west bank of the river……..with all this public funding they should be doing much better than we have seen to date

By Befuddled

Keep your comments to your own end of the M62 if you can’t be constructive

By Anonymous

Anon 8am, where in the article does it say that locals will be excluded ? I would argue that this will be a great benefit to locals with greater job and educational opportunities and better transport links for all.

By Anonymous

The level of design has been pretty low in Manchester and Salford. Let’s hope architects get it right this time.

By John

True salfordians are being squeezed out slowly but surely FACT

By Anonymous

Any chance of more Doctors Surgeries, Dentist, Chemists and a decent infrastructure first. Maybe a good transport system and a gang of pothole fillers for the dreadful roads perhaps. Think about it yes.

By L. Crook

Locals. Are excluded
The council don’t ask us what we need or want. Does this include more doctors, dentists and schools

By Anonymous

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