Aldi in Pwllheli, Aldi, p planning docs

The Harris Partnership has drawn up the plans for the 20,200 sq ft store. Credit: via planning documents

Gwynedd gives nod to Pwllheli Aldi

The discount supermarket will be the company’s third in the county, situated on a five-acre plot off Caernarfon Road.

Gwynedd County Council followed officer recommendations and approved Aldi’s plans to build the 20,200 sq ft store less than a mile east of Pwllheli town centre at a planning meeting on Monday.

Designed by The Harris Partnership, the North Wales supermarket will feature a 14,300 sq ft sales area with 114 car parking spaces for visitors.

Plans also include new access, a zebra crossing, and a footpath, as well as the speed limit around that section of Caernarfon Road reduced from 50mph to 30mph.

The site is currently used for animal grazing although it has been allocated for housing within the Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Local Development Plan 2011-2026.

However, a viability statement submitted by JLL, who is also the planning consultant for the project, has found that the land is not suitable for housing due to its condition.

It is estimated that the development will create 40 jobs in the area.

Aldi held a consultation on the proposals last July, before submitting its application that October.

The project team includes Cadnant Planning, Cameron Rose Associates, Earth Environmental, WaterCo, Cambrian Ecology, Spectrum Acoustics, ACS Consulting, and SWF Consulting.

BWB Consulting is providing air quality expertise. CTM Management is in charge of the construction management plan.

To learn more about the approved scheme, search for application number C22/0969/45/LL on Gwynedd County Council’s planning portal.

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Da iawn wir, edrych ymlaen i garl yr archfarchnad yma yn Pwllheli.

By Williams Glenys

Yippee, can’t wait for it to open

By Anonymous

Newyddion gwych. Wrth fy modd hefo’r siop.

By Gwen Jones

Just what we need in Pwllheli, another supermarket! Asda, Lidl, Home Bargains, The Factory Shop and, oh yes a Wilkinsons empty shop cos they went bust!

By Ali

Brilliant news about time the Council approved something people want. Hopefully will open soon.

By Alan Wern

Just what we want, something else to make the journey into pwllhelli more complicated. There is already multiple speed limit changes, causing delays and havoc. What wrong with the multiple supermarkets already in the town?

By JMJones

What an eyesore this place will be to a nice spot not to mention the noise to nearby houses!

By John.

what an eyesore this is going to be not to mention the noise that the people living nearby will have to put up with! how many suprmarkets does Pwllheli need maybe they should change the name to supermarket city!

By John.

Oh no not another supermarket! no wonder the high street shops are closing.

By Mike

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