Knowsley set to green light Halsnead Garden Village plans
Developer Bloor Homes is seeking reserved matters approval for 208 homes off Windy Arbor Road in Whiston.
The company acquired the land in March 2021 as part of a hybrid planning application.
The scheme’s 178-acre site is located north of the M62. The land makes up part of Halsnead Garden Village, which was awarded Garden Village status by the government in 2017.
Drawn up by Stantec, the proposed plans include 104 three-bedroom houses and 104 four-bedroom houses. The homes would range from two to 2.5 storeys in height, with a 12-space car park to the east of the site.
These plans form phase two of Bloor’s development of Halsnead West, known as the Elowen Garden Village, with phase one under construction to provide 123 homes.
The proposal is tipped for approval by planning officers.
Knowsley Council’s Halsnead wishes to develop the 430-acre former Cronton Colliery, east of Junction 6 of the M62. This masterplan involves the addition of 1,600 homes, 55 acres of employment land, and 81 acres of green space. Property developer Taylor Wimpey has also secured land for residential developments in this area.
Eddisons, Lees Roxburgh and Tree Solutions are part of the project team.
Knowsley Council’s planning committee will meet on Thursday to discuss the application. At the same meeting, the committee will also be discussing a proposal for a 157,000 sq ft industrial development off Ormskirk Road.
Bloor Homes’ application’s reference number with Knowsley Council is 22/00213/REM.
This part of Whiston is proving very popular for new house builders, it`s very near the Tarbock Island junction for the M62 and M57, in fact that whole area is ripe for further development including further residential , plus retail and commercial.
By Anonymous
I went to Prescot to look at the new Shakespeare theatre last week, and I didn’t realise how quaint Prescot is. I don’t understand why it isn’t more popular as a place to live.
By Elephant
They need to put traffic lights at the junction of Windy Arbor Road and the M62/M57 roundabout as part of the requirements for the application for planning permission
By Ricky Holt