Lidl to open store in Cheadle Heath
The rapidly expanding supermarket chain wants to demolish Cheadle Heath Works on Stockport Road and build a store.
Lidl has requested consent from Stockport Council to knock down the building, located close to Roscoes Roundabout and Junction 2 of the M60.
The building is currently occupied by Deanprint, acquired by Eccles-based Manchester Printers Group in August, among others.
Lidl’s Cheadle project forms part of the company’s plans to grow its UK presence to 1,100 stores by 2025.
Lidl currently has 929 stores in the UK, having invested £1.3bn in the last two years to expand its reach.
In recent months plans for new stores in Chorlton, Wythenshawe, Southport, Belle Vale and Wavertree have progressed.
In the summer, Lidl lost its appeal against the refusal of proposals for a store at Salboy’s Castle Irwell development in Salford.
If this site is surplus to employment needs (I doubt it is) then it should become housing. We don’t need more out of centre supermarkets for people to drive to, we need jobs and homes.
By Martin Cranmer
Given the proximity to another Lidl less than 1 mile away on Councillor Lane, as well as the Aldi, Morrisons and Tesco Express within 1/2 mile of the site, is this really required?
I also wonder about the 278 for access/egress? The speed limit on Roscoes would have to decrease surely?
Martin is correct!
By Agree
Just what the world needs; another Lidl.
By Andrew
We do not need another supermarket to contribute the the already heavy traffic in that area. ! Lidl should upgrade the Councillor Lane shop which is understaffed and grubby.
By Mrs Watson
Absolutely ridiculous, I live opposite Cheadle Works and the traffic on this road is dangerous enough. Some days it can take me 5+ minutes to pull out of my driveway because of the traffic coming off the motorway and from round the roundabout. How many more shops do we need? Why not build affordable housing?
By Anonymous
To be fair the area is already dominated by affordable housing
By Cal
It is totally unnessary to have yet another supermarket when we already have more than enough at the moment.I used to play cowboys and Indians on the fields at the rear of Deanprint and watch the boilerman cooking bacon and eggs on a shovel.Whatever I say will not make any difference so they will go ahead and build another supermarket that we don’t need.
By Anonymous
From Cheadle or M60 Slip Road
How are drivers supposed to turn RIGHT into this Store
By Mr. Al Di
This is ridiculous; as someone else has mentioned we have sufficient stores within close proximity; what is already a busy road will become further congested and lead to accidents with some people as they do, coming at speed around the roundabout;Lidl or any other supermarket is the last thing needed here
By GreytScot
It is a concern this will have on traffic congestion and safety in accessing and crossing surrounding roads by vehicles and pedestrian’s. They should just allow the one on councillor lane which is more than adequate to serve the local community. It’s bad enough having Tesco express right next to this site ,Aldi just up the round and Morrisons!
By Anonymous
Real shame they chopped down 2 lovely mature oak trees on the road side of this plot. If this goes ahead they’ll plant some crap little lollipop trees. Developments must be made to work around and incorporate natural assets like this.
By Chris
I agree with the comments made below. This Lidl is not needed. Cheadle Heath is well served by supermarkets / convenience stores already and is unlikely to be able to sustain them all. So the success of this Lidl, and any new jobs promised, could well be at the expense of others, probably the local independent shops. Stockport Rd. is very busy with several feeder roads, entry/exits along its route through Cheadle Heath, which residents already have difficulty turning in or out of! The area can’t effectively cope with the current volume of traffic, which is causing congestion and pollution. The turnover of vehicles expected to visit the store would significantly increase the volume of traffic, worsening the congestion and pollution caused, which would be detrimental to pedestrians walking alongside, especially if taking children to school. I am also disgusted that 2 seemingly healthy trees have been destroyed – a potentially needless pre-emptive strike for a development that hasn’t yet been given planning permission. I tried to submit a comment via the link Lidl provided, but the survey had closed (sooner than stated) and no-one has responded to my phone message.
I can see no way that the company will maintain two stores only a mile apart. Inevitably as i see it, one will be closed eventually. This being the case the Councillor Lane site would be much more convenient to me. I am strongly against the development on these grounds alone but other problems are the extremely poor access because of the nearby railway line and the heavy existing traffic on Stockport Road.
By Mike
Is their a petition against this proposal? I have emailed the councillors to object. To propose a two lane busy road to be reduced to one with a filter and light system is absolutely insane. Roscoes is so very busy all the time, to hinder the flow of traffic is ridiculous. I also am so sad that healthy trees were cut down – it breaks my heart every day to not see them standing proud.
By Kenilworth road resident
This will cause traffic mayhem. Another typically bland elevation to the road frontage too.
By Anonymous
No it’s not!!! 🙂
By Happy