Manchester Airport Group set for Green Belt car park consent

Cheshire East Council is set to approve plans for an 800-space car park by Manchester Airport Group at its planning committee next week.

The 310,000 sq ft site is on the Green Belt and includes the demolition of residential buildings 48 and 52 Moss Lane and associated outbuildings. The proposal states that there are “very special circumstances” which outweigh the identified harm to the land.

With Manchester Airport increasingly congested, the council is minded to approve the proposal due to its impact on the reduction in drop-offs and taxi journeys to the airport, the current limitations of public transport, the lack of capacity in existing car parking facilities over summer, and the reduction of third-party off-site car parking.

While the plans have only received one objection, which stated: “It is considered to be an inappropriate form of development in the Green Belt, which reduces openness, encroaches into the countryside, and contributes to the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up area.”

Manchester Airport Group said work alongside the delivery of the car park would also see the creation of a landscaping belt, footpath, and ecological mitigation.

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Good news

By Dan

Isn’t this what multi-storeys are for?

By Derek

If MAG said we are going to develop all the greenfield site in a radius of a mile around the airport it will still get approval.

I thought we were trying to get rid of the combustion engine or any form of approved loitering/long drawn out parking.

Green belt when its gone its gone, forget about future generations!


What are the “the current limitations of public transport”? Is a dedicated train station and tram stop not enough?

By Superhans

Let’s not forget that the airport is the goose that lays all the golden eggs for the 10 AGMAs, and woe betide anyone who questions what they want to do to keep those eggs flowing.

By Lee

Superhans, Don’t forget the bus station too.
With direct rail services from practically every railway station in the North of England I don’t understand what the current limitations of public transport are either.

By Edge

Lee, ………eggs tend to smash, and make a mess.
The Airport needs a few strategies addressed. Access and mobility around the site, the the Summer Security wait, are two issues rapidly sending customers to Leeds and Liverpool. It may be the northwests biggest airport, but big isnt always the best.

By Billy

A ‘climate emergency’ has been declared in CEC
CLIMATE CHANGE Proposed by Cllr Sam Corcoran
This Council notes that on 1 May Parliament declared an environment and climate emergency and
a) requests that a Cheshire East Environmental Strategy is brought forward as a matter of urgency
b) commits to the target of Cheshire East Council being carbon neutral in 2025 and asks that details of how to meet this commitment are included in the Environmental Strategy

By Andrew Needham

There are plenty of single storey car parks around the airport, want to increase capacity build a multi storey.

By Anonymous

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