Lee McCarren, Domis, p Mountview Comms

Lee McCarren set up Domis in 2017. Credit: via Mountview Communications

McCarren leaves Domis

The contractor has waved goodbye to its co-founder and managing director Lee McCarren. Director Kingsley Thornton will step up as his replacement.

McCarren, who is 54, set up Domis in 2017 having previously been chief executive of the now-defunct Forrest. The firm has today announced he will retire.

“It has been a huge honour to serve as managing director of Domis for seven years and I am incredibly proud of what we have achieved as a team in that time,” McCarren said.

“The time is now right for me to think about life beyond Domis and enjoy what comes next for me and my family. The business couldn’t be in a better position and I am delighted to hand over the reins to Kingsley under whose stewardship I am certain Domis will continue to build inspiring new schemes and delight clients across the UK.”

Thornton, who will replace McCarren with immediate effect, praised the founder for being a “fantastic leader, mentor and friend”.

“Speaking on behalf of all of the Domis team, we thank him for his commitment to building our business and pushing us to be ambitious and successful.

“Now as managing director of Domis, I am looking forward to taking the business forward into a new phase, building on the success Lee and I enjoyed together as we deliver more high-quality schemes in places around the UK where new homes are in the shortest supply and highest demand.”

Over the last seven years, the contractor has gone on to become one of the most active in Manchester and Salford, thanks largely to its links with Fred Done-owned Salboy.

Simon Ismail, managing director of Salboy, said: “Together with Fred Done, Salboy’s founder and biggest supporter, I want to thank Lee McCarren for the enormous contribution he has made not only to the Domis business but to the skylines of Manchester, Salford and many other cities across the UK.

“Lee has been a fantastic leader who has built a hugely capable and ambitious team at Domis who has a proven track record of executing to the highest standards on each and every scheme they take on. Kingsley has the board’s full support and confidence to continue in Lee’s footsteps.”

In recent years, Domis has taken on projects for other developers, including Glenbrook, Cole Waterhouse, and Fusion.

To date, Domis has delivered more than 5,000 homes. While the firm has specialised in residential schemes, it is currently in advanced talks with AM Alpha to deliver the redevelopment of the former Debenhams department store on Manchester’s Market Street into offices.

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