Frontier Park Preston, Monte Blackburn, c Google Earth snapshot

Trebor was previously readying plans for the site. Credit: Google Earth

Monte Blackburn eyes 930,000 sq ft Preston sheds

The Issa brothers’ development arm is working up plans to build industrial units on 65 acres north-east of Junction 31a of the M6.

The site, between Bluebell Way and Cow Hill, was previously being brought forward by Trebor and Hillwood and branded Gateway Park. However, a planning application for the proposed 800,000 sq ft scheme was never submitted.

Now, Monte Blackburn is on control of the site and is seeking to deliver up to 930,000 sq ft of industrial space on the land.

Early-stage plans lodged with Preston City Council outline a vision for five industrial units and two drive-thru units. The largest of the industrial units would be 637,000 sq ft.

Like other Monte Blackburn schemes in Lancashire, the Preston project will be branded as Frontier Park.

The land is earmarked for employment development in Preston’s local plan.

To learn more about Monte Blackburn’s proposals, search for reference number 06/2025/0208 on Preston City Council’s planning portal.

Freeths is advising Monte Blackburn on its plans.

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