ICT Group eyes approval for 700,000 sq ft Deeside paper mill
Located within Flintshire’s Northern Gateway, the Italian company’s project would see a 59-acre chunk of the former RAF Sealand South Camp redeveloped.
Industrie Cartarie Tronchetti’s 700,000 sq ft tissue production facility has been recommended for approval by Flintshire Council’s planning committee, which meets next week.
The development will be delivered in three phases:
- The manufacturing and production area
- Ancillary offices
- Warehousing section with car parking and HGV parking.
The project team for the paper mill scheme includes architect Aew Architects, BWB, RPS, Curtins, Cundall, Amion, Tyler Grange, Spawforths, SGi Consulting Engineers, Arcadis and Barry Chinn Landscape Architects.
ICT’s proposal comes on the back of a further tissue paper production project in the area, announced last September by Eren Holdings, which has now taken control of the UPM Shotton paper mill site and announced expansion plans.
As well as industrial and manufacturing schemes, various residential projects are being advanced within the Airfields site, with Anwyl Homes and Bellway preparing to deliver 385 homes.