PLANNING | Towers head bumper Manchester agenda
Renaker’s 51-storey building at Crown Street and Unite’s amended New Wakefield Street project are among the key developments to be discussed by Manchester’s planning committee next week.
Also going before committee are the plans for a major hotel on Potland Street, Prosperity’s plans for residential at the former Boddington’s brewery site in Strangeways and Boultee Brooks’ redevelopment of the former LSH offices in Mosley Street, along with the mixed PRS and hotel scheme proposed by Glenbrook and Peel at Cornbrook.
Recommended for approval
79 Mosley Street
Developer: Boultbee Brooks Real Estate
Architect: PRP
Planner: Zerum
Scheme: Boultbee Brooks, also behind Core in Brown Street and Mosley Street’s Hyphen, submitted plans in January for 19,000 sq ft of offices on upper floors and around 8,000 sq ft of flexible/retail space at ground and lower ground floor level.
Recommended for approval
55 Portland Street
Developer: Property Alliance Group/Clayton Hotel
Architect: Stephenson Studio
Planner: GVA How Planning
Scheme: Irish hotel group Dalata’s four-star Clayton brand will occupy the former office site with a 329-bedroom hotel. Construction is already underway on a smaller hotel on the adjacent plot.
Recommended for approval
Crown Street
Developer: Renaker
Architect: SimpsonHaugh & Partners
Planner: Deloitte
Floors: 51 and 21
Apartments: 664
Scheme: The masterplan for the Great Jackson Street gateway area was refreshed in late 2017, setting a planning context for intensive development of residential towers. This scheme is at Plot C, where the Mancunian Way joins Chester Road.
Minded to approve
Cornbrook Hub
Developer: Glenbrook, Peel
Architect: Sheppard Robson, Leach Rhodes Walker
Planner: GVA How Planning
Floors: 11-15
Apartments: 280
Hotel beds: 242
Scheme: Glenbeook’s 280-apartment PRS scheme, designed by Sheppard Robson, is to be built in two buildings of 14 and 15 storeys each and has been submitted for full planning permission, with Peel’s part of the scheme – a 155-bedroom hotel and an 88-unit aparthotel, going for outline consent.
Minded to approve
1-5 New Wakefield Street
Developer: Unite Students
Architect: SimpsonHaugh & Partners
Planner: Turley
Floors: 32
Apartments: 603
Scheme: Initial plans were put forward in July 2017 and approved in December, the scheme was resubmitted in April with two additional storeys and different cladding. Approval is subject to signing of a legal agreement in relation to infrastructure improvements.
Minded to approve
Old Brewery Gardens
Developer: Prosperity Capital Partners
Architect: Assael
Planner: Deloitte
Floors: 26, 23, 17, 12
Apartments: 556
Commercial space: 38,000 sq ft
Scheme: Two buildings, one partly 26 storeys and partly 23 storeys, to be built on the eastern section of the former brewery site. Approval is subject to the signing of a section 106 agreement in relation to a pedestrian crossing across New Bridge Street and a financial contribution to offsite affordable housing.
All look great. Get them approved!
By Steve
Fantastic scale and pace of developement for the city
By Dan
Unite, grim.
By sad
Can anyone confirm the cladding/facade material of 55 Portland?
55 Portland St letting the side down. Looks like a prison hospital.
By Odd one out
Why anyone takes Stephenson Studio seriously is beyond me
By Anonymous
I can confirm 55 Portland Street is clad in a composite material made out of broken promises, disappointment, 1970s Hulme, ennui, off-cuts from the set of Blade Runner, the urine smell on the stairs of multi story car parks, penny pinching design and planning failure.
I hope that helps.
By Ben
Manchester really defining a distinct identity here.
What a ragbag of over-scale half-baked knock-off designs. Grim for future residents of the city centre!
By Shanghai Dweller
Great to see, the city is booming. I can’t believe how busy it is nowadays, so many apartments especially.
By Pasty
I like the Old Brewery development.It looks like it should be on a sweeping boulevard in Moscow.
By Elephant
PRS mmmmm are they really ? Well we shall see .
By Roberto
PAG have absolutely massacred Stephenson’s original design for Portland Street. What was extremely promising is now cheap, nasty and ugly in the extreme. If the planning committee have any sense they’d send this application back to the drawing board. This plot is too important to mess up.
By Cost engineered
Most of them are horrible. Only Manchester could build something like 1-5 New Wakefield Street.
By Liver Fella