Taylor steps in at Trafford
Jim Taylor, chief executive of Salford City Council, will also hold the dual role of interim chief executive of Trafford Council until the end of the year.
The appointment comes after the news last week of Theresa Grant resigning as Trafford chief executive, understood to be following the change in political leadership from Conservative to Labour at the local elections in May.
Grant had worked closely with previous leader Cllr Sean Anstee on plans such as releasing green belt for regeneration projects, which were heavily criticised by Labour leader, now council leader, Andrew Western.
Taylor is an experienced Greater Manchester chief executive, having held the role previously as Rochdale before moving to Salford in 2014.
As well as a chief executive, Trafford is currently looking for a new corporate director for transformation, after Joanne Hyde stepped down alongside Grant. The positions of corporate director, and deputy chief executive, are also vacant.
Salford City Mayor Paul Dennett said: “Salford City Council is exploring the offer of providing interim leadership support to Trafford Council until a new chief executive is recruited and in post.
“We have excellent professional working relationships across the Greater Manchester family of authorities which is built on collaboration, cooperation and trust.
“Salford and Trafford have shared strong economic and strategic interests in Greater Manchester through our partnership with MediaCityUk and Port Salford. That reflects the close working relationship.
“In Salford we have a strong, experienced award-winning leadership team and we are delighted to work closely with Trafford to make the most efficient use of resources and get the best for all our residents across the neighbouring areas.”
Leader of Trafford Council, Cllr Andrew Western said: ‘Trafford Council are currently finalising arrangements for an interim chief executive to be put in place at the Council whilst we recruit for the role on a permanent basis.
“We are delighted to be working with Salford City Council who have a strong leadership team as well as bringing opportunities for even closer collaboration via shared leadership.
“Subject to any necessary formal decisions, Salford are going to provide interim support whilst we finalise our Trafford top team.’