MCAU MCAU staff p.Andy Spinoza

The MCAU team from left: James Taylor, technical/BIM director, Dave Skidmore, managing director, Paul Stevens, director, Mike Mason, associate director, Phil Jervis, director. Credit: via Medlock Media

Place Capital buys design practice MCAU 

Modern City Architecture and Urbanism has become the latest company acquired by David Smith-Milne and Peter Martin’s regeneration company. 

Place Capital Group did not disclose the value of the acquisition.

MCAU, founded in 2016 by former Broadway Malyan director David Skidmore, is working on several projects across the North West. 

These include the ongoing Welsh Streets regeneration in Liverpool and FIREM’s redevelopment of Botany Bay in Chorley. 

Skidmore said: “I have worked with David Smith-Milne for many years now in a number of guises, and so we totally get the PCG vision to bring real innovation to the estate regeneration and place-making sectors.” 

“With the PCG backing, we anticipate significant growth over the remainder of this year and into 2023.” 

Manchester-based MCAU becomes the fourth business – and third design studio – snapped up by PCG since the start of 2021 when the company was set up. 

MCAU designed FIREM’s Botany Bay revamp. Credit: via Truth PR

Last year, PCG acquired placemaking consultancy Fourth Street, design practice Grounded, and Manchester architect Loop Systems. 

MCAU will merge with Loop Systems into one combined studio at PCG’s offices in Castlefield, bringing staff numbers to 25.  

“MCAU is a respected and award-winning studio of high quality, experienced designers,” said David Smith-Milne, PCG chief executive. 

“They complement our existing teams and give us additional scale and projects, and we look forward to working with Dave and his team to grow the business.” 

PCG’s projects include a 158-home build-to-rent scheme in Bolton and the redevelopment of the 850-home Shadsworth Estate in Blackburn in partnership with Together Housing. 

PCG is on course to record turnover of £4.7m by the end of 2022, the company’s first full year of trading. 

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Congratulations Dave and Team! Exciting times ahead

By Chris A

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