Pendlteton phase four, Together and Lovell, p Cartwright Communications

Plans form phase four of the 135-acre Pendleton regeneration. Credit: via Cartwright Communications

Plans in for next phase of Pendleton regeneration

SP+, Lovell Partnerships, and Together Housing Group’s latest proposals for the former High Street estate in Salford would see the construction of 471 homes between Churchill Way and Liverpool Street.

The plans form the fourth phase of the ongoing regeneration of Pendleton, which aims to deliver 2,000 new and refurbished properties in the area following the demolition of around 800 former council houses.

Approval of the latest proposals would see the creation of a mix of one- and two-bed apartments, as well as two-, three-, and four-bed houses. Of the 471 homes, 30% would be affordable.

The new homes would overlook Clarendon Park, which would be revamped as part of the consortium’s plans. Improvements include the delivery of two play areas, a multi-use games area, and a skate park.

Tahreen Shad, regional partnerships director at Lovell, said: “Our aim is to build communities through industry-leading partnerships, and the regeneration of Pendleton is the perfect example of the significant results that this approach can deliver.

“The Pendleton project demonstrates that it is possible to create much-needed homes, have a strong focus on sustainability, and develop a true neighbourhood where residents can fulfil their personal and professional ambitions while having pride in where they live.”

A public consultation was held on the plans in March.

Stantec is the planning consultant for the scheme. Also on the project team are Eddisons, Strategic Sports Consultancy, and Amenity Tree.

Plans are not yet available on Salford City Council’s planning portal.

Phase one of the 135-acre scheme saw the construction of housing on either side of Blodwell Street and Athole Street.

Phase two saw the refurbishment of properties within the area bound by Liverpool Street, Cross Lane, Graythorpe Walk, and Buckingham Street, alongside the construction of 42 homes off Aylesbury Close.

Currently, work is underway to deliver phase three of the wider Pendle regeneration to deliver 127 homes at Spinners Quarter, located south of Liverpool Street.

Mark Dunford, board director at SP+, added: “SP+ now has extensive experience of managing properties across the Pendleton estate, delivering an inclusive landscape with high levels of sustainable, affordable housing.

“After being involved in this site for over a decade, we’re pleased that the next two phases have taken another step forward with the submission of planning.”

Your Comments

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Development in the area is always welcome news. Would prefer the houses to have the grey brick as illustrated in the original proposals, but a positive scheme nonetheless. Renovation of the precinct and a U-turn by the council in their decision to pause the construction of the new Leisure centre would really make Pendleton a hotspot to live over the coming years.

By Gentrify Pendleton

Another deprived area receiving some much needed investment. The 30% being social housing is welcome. But I would prefer it to be 50%! The green space of Clarendon park must be protected. A green space gives so much to a community. A place for new neighbours to meet through activities such as dog walking and child play areas. Well done again to the Council. Keep up the good work.

By David.

Looks like a decent design, and suitable for inner city residential areas, we need more good sized townhouses all over Manchester’s and Liverpool’s inner core to repopulate and provide decent long term family housing.

By GetItBuilt!

Lived here all my life. Everything looks good in theory. As @Mike (02:03) said, where are the new residents going to go (doctors, dentists, schools, etc)? It will drain the resources that we already have here. This needs to be addressed 1st. Also, only 30% to be made “affordable” is an utter disgrace & insulting to locals. As with the other developments in the area, all this will bring in, is greedy landlords upping the rent bc it’s “close to Media City”. Also, rentors will be middle class commuters who either work at Media City or in Manchester & offer nothing of value to locals & the community, they won’t use the local shops, they’ll travel down to “The Quays” & give their money to the already rip off area. Salfordians are quickly being pushed further North of the City to make way for all this “regeneration” for Media City, and yes, it’s all for Media City’s expansion into the the heart of the area, nothing to do with locals.

By Anonymous

Really happy about the regeneration plans but absolutely gutted at the lengths they’ve gone to cutting down almost all trees and hedges on the first Churchill way plot.

I hope there’s solid plans to reform the habitats destroyed.

By Anonymous

I live opposite Clarendon park on west high street & I am appalled at the destruction of the trees & the land, lots of people walked there dogs & now there will be more houses as though we haven’t enough around here, the green space could have been developed years ago & landscaped, this idea of regeneration will bring nothing for local people as the majority of the houses are for sale at “affordable prices” is debatable, can councils not leave us with any green spaces !!

By Norma

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