Plans put forward for £5.7m Blackley apartments
A site off Old Market Street and west of the Blackley Conservative Club is the subject of proposals for a 42-apartment development.
A vehicle controlled by directors Javed Aslam, Arshad Mahmood, and Tahir Mahmood has applied to Manchester City Council for outline permission to develop a residential scheme on the plot.
Saleem Architects designed the scheme comprising two four-storey apartment blocks, with Block A hosting 19 flats, and Block B the other 23.
A mix of 17 one-bed and 25 two-bed flats is planned. 28 parking spaces are to be provided. A landscaped garden space would be found on the site’s north east corner.
To the south of the site runs Boggart Hole Brook and some apartments will have balconies overlooking the stream.
According to a viability appraisal submitted with the application, the scheme has a GDV of £5.77m and would cost £5.4m to build.
The project team includes SCP, Enviro Solution, Collington Winter Environmental, GEA, and S106 Management.
To view the application, use the reference number 140485/OO/2024 on Manchester City Council’s planning portal.
Why are there no balconies included? Seems a strange omission, particularly given only a small bit of landscaping is provided to residents to escape the confines of their flats.
By Balcony watch
Not enough parking spaces, it would impact on the neighbouring houses
By S H Bowles
It’s going to a nightmare traffic is going to be worse than it is now more people’s lives will be put in danger it’s a joke
By Amanda Campbell
They look more like offices than living accommodation
By Anonymous
Windows should be horizontal in shape and not vertical and of course with balconies
By Andy
I don’t agree with it. I grew up around there. Leave it alone.
By Clare Hardy-foster
As long as it doesn’t disturb me go to work that’s a very busy road for nursing staff to get to and from to the hospital and from patients
By Anonymous
We need green space, not more concrete flats
By Julie mcknight
Bad scheme. Looks like an old office block rather than a new purpose-built resi scheme, too close to the road, no reason at all for not complying with affordable housing policy given it’s a cheap-looking scheme on a straightforward site in a non-prime location, and the lack of parking provision is a joke given the lack of on-street and parking restrictions nearby (you can see some of the many double yellow lines in the render, the car park shown belongs to the GP surgery next door and size is exaggerated).
By Blackley Pillage
This is just too much Blackley Village has already been destroyed by so much housing increased in traffic enough is enough shame that that the state of the roads and the police station etc etc is so far aware.
By Roebuck
No, not for a social club for local residents…
By Wilf
We live on old market street blackley it’s about time the area looks so neglected and run down
By Julie eckersley
Bet it’s not social housing for people that really need homes more cars parking on pavement so people have to go on road ridiculous
By Anonymous
A development like this isn’t appropriate for that area. Old Market Street is already congested throughout the day. Flats have already been thrown up further down that same road. Locals need affordable housing for families, not flats.
By Anonymous
Absolute joke…traffic there in peak times is horrendous , looks horrible but as per usual the local community will not be heard !!
By Bw
Absolutely NOT. Blacklet is smothered in properties & anymore developments would completely take away the beauty of the area.
By J Reid
These apartments are not in keeping with a village setting which is what we were promised years ago. Plus MCC have a history of removing the top floor of flat roofed apartments in order to give them a pitch roof because of the financial implications involved in maintainance.
By Christine Buckley
Too many flats, too many storeys, not enough parking spaces. It will cause too much traffic congestion in the village. It is situated at a bad road junction and will cause more congestion in an already congested area
By Jeanne Berisford
This is going to be an absolute nightmare. Not enough car parking spaces. The parking will impact on local residents and they are all ready fighting to park there cars in there own spots. Building materials been delivered the roads are all ready gridlocked in rush hour. I live on old market street and haven’t had any communication from the council regarding this there is no signs up proposing the building. Yes it may improve the land which looks like a scrap yard at the moment.
By Anonymous