hbb roman way preston p planningdocs

C4 is the architect for the Henry Boot Barnfield project. Credit: planning documents

Preston tipped to approve 400 homes and 106,000 sq ft industrial

Wain Homes is seeking reserved matters consent for housing off Bartle Lane, while Henry Boot Barnfield wants to deliver two industrial units at Roman Road Farm.

Officers recommend approval for both projects, which go before Preston City Council’s planning committee on 4 March. Also on the agenda are works to improve Moor Park, including a new bridge over the Serpentine Lake.

Outline consent for the 429-home proposal was established in spring 2023, when Wain was granted full permission to deliver an initial 26 homes.

The scheme as a whole forms the third phase of Wain’s The Paddocks masterplan in what is one of Preston’s key housing growth areas, namely the North West Preston Strategic Location.

Wain’s site is currently agricultural land south of Bartle Lane and north of William Young Way, measuring 42 acres across four separate fields.

The design is such that access for 52 homes would come from Bartle Lane, with the bulk of the site accessed from William Young Way. Included within the masterplan are homes of two to five bedrooms, with a total of 125 affordable homes, to be scattered throughout the western half of the development.

Slightly more than 100 of the market-rate homes are proposed for private rent, and around 200 for sale. Each will have off-street parking.

Open space is proposed to the west of the site, as well as part of the overall site providing part of the Metropolitan Park, which is a key component of the North West Preston masterplan.

Also receiving a recommendation for approval on reserved matters is Henry Boot Barnfield, advised by planner Iceni and architect C4.

The JV is advancing a five-acre site, part of a 61-acre plot in the Longridge Road area north-east of the city, known locally as Roman Road Farm. Outline consent was established in 2024 for 800,000 sq ft across the masterplan area.

Now, HBB is seeking detailed consent to deliver two industrial units, each of around 53,000 sq ft. Each will have around 50 parking spaces, with landscaping included in the project.

Wain Homes’ proposal can be viewed on Preston’s planning portal with the reference 06/2024/0990. Henry Boot Barnfield’s scheme can be seen at 06/2024/1260.

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