Land off Cowm Top, Barratt Homes, p via planning docs

Cowm Top sits just north of Manchester Old Road. Credit: via planning documents

Rochdale approves 445-home Castleton development

After being considered at last month’s committee, LP Trows, David Wilson Homes, and Barratt Developments have now got consent to build the residential scheme on the land south of Cowm Top Lane in Castleton in Middleton.

The developers will be subject to a section 106 agreement requiring an initial contribution of £3.75m to be used towards affordable housing and 10% biodiversity net gain provision off site.

Further requirements of financial contributions towards primary and secondary education, improvements to sports facilities, and a £190,000 contribution to Transport for Greater Manchester will depend on the scheme’s viability changes over the course of delivery.

David Wilson Homes will deliver 143 of the properties and will offer higher-end house types on the undulating greenfield land.

Designs by e*SCAPE Urbanists indicate the 100% market scheme will provide a mix of two-, three-, four-, and five-bedroom houses, defined in three different character areas offering varying house types.

No house would exceed 2.5 storeys, with the vast majority only rising to two storeys.

The site in question spans 49 acres. Cowm Top Business Park is located to the site’s north and hosts a mix of commercial uses, including storage and distribution warehouses.

A replacement neighbourhood play area will also be installed at the development.

WSP acted as the planning agent on behalf of the applicants. PGLA landscape architects provided external designs.

To view the application, use the planning reference number 22/01190/FUL on Rochdale Council’s planning portal.

Cown DWH Barratt p.planning docs

The site in question covers almost 50 acres of greenfield land. Credit: via planning documents


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