Parklands , Bolton, Orbit Developments, C, Google Earth

Bolton Council has approved plans to change the use of offices at 3 The Parklands. Credit: Google Earth

Storage plan approved for 25,000 sq ft former Bolton NatWest offices

Permission has been granted to change the use of 3 Parklands off De Havilland Way, which was formerly home to departments of the bank.

Orbit Developments is behind the proposals which will see almost 25,000 sq ft converted into self-storage or office space, with a single-storey link to be created to the multi-storey car park next door, which already has a secure self-storage business on the ground-floor.

This additional floor space would enable that self-storage business to expand according to a planning statement submitted by Orbit, part of The Emerson Group.

It also states that the fit-out and composition of the self-storage and office space on the ground floor would be subject to the market, or the prospective tenant’s requirements.

NatWest occupied 3 Parklands until the offices were vacated in November last year.

Bolton Council planners have approved the plans via a delegated decision.

To view the plans search for application reference number 18409/24 on Bolton Council’s planning portal.

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