Urmston, c Google Earth snapshot

Various sites around the town centre have been earmarked for redevelopment. Credit; Google Earth

Urmston’s future under the spotlight

Trafford Council is looking for a consultant to draw up a masterplan to futureproof the town as a “viable, sustainable, and dynamic place over the next 15 years”. 

The creation of a masterplan for Urmston will look at how it might change over the coming years to meet the needs of residents and keep pace with the rate of regeneration across the borough’s other towns. 

Transformative schemes in Altrincham, Sale, and Stretford are currently underway. Meanwhile, Urmston’s last major regeneration project was delivered by Ask Real Estate in 2012 when the mixed-use Eden Square was completed. 

The Urmston plan aims to take a proactive approach to the town’s future and will outline ways to improve its appearance and accessibility, as well as assessing the regeneration potential of various town centre sites. 

These sites include the former Urmston Market, Victoria Parade, the former bank on the corner of Crofts Bank Road and the former Co-op Funeralcare on Station Road. 

Trafford Council’s brief for the masterplan states: “Trafford Council recognises that its four main town centres…are crucial components to the economic, environmental and social wellbeing of the borough.  

“Each town centre provides a unique but complementary offer, where Trafford’s residents and visitors can easily access a range of facilities and services; and businesses can grow and reach their full potential.” 

Cllr Liz Patel, Trafford Council’s executive member for economy and regeneration, said: “Trafford Council is committed to regenerating and improving all of our town centres including Urmston. We are seeking a suitably qualified and experienced consultancy to develop a plan for Urmston town centre that focusses on its many strengths and identifies new opportunities.

“The plan will set a framework to improve the vitality and sustainability of Urmston town centre, strengthen its performance as one of the borough’s four town centres, improve its visual and environmental appearance and improve accessibility and active travel.”

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Urmston has huge opportunity. in London, or anywhere else in Europe, Australia or Canada, it would be one of the most popular neighbourhoods in the urban area, but here it just lacks decent transport – which is really sad as it has a seriously pretty railway station.
But with two trains an hour at best, and only one an hour at worst, it is just far too hard to get to.


Focus on the new tram-train network to the city Center to make accessing Urmston more viable and attractive to more young professionals.

By Sebastian

Train-tram and improved urban landscaping/paving and street benches etc

By Anonymous

One wonders about what’s happening with the market
It was supposed to be developed to provide market space for independent traders as well as eateries
I know that local population would not wish to see this area developed into housing , though one suspects that developers are just waiting to do just that

By Day Patricia

Let’s see the Beryl bike scheme come to Urmston, Flixton and Davyhulme. Bike stops at all the train stations and the hospital.

By Pete

The problem with Urmston is that it hasn’t been invested in. The council has done nothing over the years to maintain it and to make it better. It has done the opposite. The roads are in a horrendous state . It looks a mess everywhere you go. It takes you to move out of the area , like I did, to realise what a dump it is becoming. It will only get worse when the 4000 houses are built both at the TC and Partington and the huge waterpark planned. People will not be able to move on the roads as it will back up into Urmston and the surrounding areas.

By Anonymous

We want the tram

By Anonymous

Planning ahead, what about now,you struggle to that…

By Asbury Clarke

I would love our town to be one of bloom not gloom. There are so many opportunities in Urmston that would make it a destination in its own right.

By Anonymous

Commited to spending our money
Try spending money on road repairs
Reducing carpark charges generates money by encouraging shoppers in to areas
Stop the fight to deter cars
No building on green sites, there’s plenty of brown land
Stop covering every square metre with concrete, creating more flooding.

By Anonymous

Don’t want the tram but the old Curzon cinema needs looking st as well as Flixton Road and the old Market.

By Anonymous

The area to the south and southeast of the station is far too low scale. The masterplan should include the redevelopment of this area with mixed uses up to 6 storeys in height, with commercial on the ground level and residential above. An additional 200+ apartments in a sustainable location in the town centre would bring a big uplift in footfall and support smaller businesses in the area.

By Anonymous

No more bars or cafes please.

By Janet Owen

Firstly,as a resident in flixton the road network must be 100% improved as promised when the Trafford Centre was built as it totally gridlocks now and Christmas you might as well stay at home because you wouldn’t be able to go to anywhere. Also the train service is a joke. Trains don’t even stop at flixton station on a Sunday! We definitely need the tram in this area.

By Mr m smallshaw

Sort out Trafford general its that simple , make it great again

By Anonymous

Plans have been approved to provide 42 apartments at the old Curzon cinema and to include 14 parking spaces. This does not include for those who already park their cars on this land. This ticks the councils box as far as “affordable” homes is concerned but does not take into consideration the people who live in the area who will suffer due to this stupid policy/ development . I suggest that the council don’t really care much about Urmston or its residents and anything that they may put forward or approve like the long awaited, currently non-existing market development is just false promises. Urmston is a great place to live and it’s people are, on the whole, a cut above the rest. Let’s hope that some real thought will go into planning for the future of this brilliant little town.

By Andy

The current plans to make several streets into cul-de sacs will do nothing to improve “accessibility”.People will have to divert onto major routes thus increasing the congestion through Urmston and increasing the carbon footprint. A better train and bus is needed to service any additional residential properties planned.

By Anonymous

Can we start with getting the birth place of the NHS back up to speed please

By Gavin Dean

What future

By Anon

I’m an entrepreneur and want to invest in Urmston – we need free scooters, a flower shop and a coding club at the library.

By Jerry Puddleduck

I would like to see more of those mini delivery robots they had in Sale

By Rosie

A lot of empty buildings in Urmston ex doctors on Church Road..empty about seven years..

By Anonymous

Investment in transport, traffic calming measures. We don’t need to give any more money to any dodgy businessmen like the Urmston market scandal. Did anyone face any consequences for that?

We really need some investment in the local parks. They are rubbish.
Could we have a mountain bike track on William Rowe? Like the new one at Wythenshawe Park. There is nothing for young people to do so most of them turn to petty crime for thrills.

By Chris

Trouble with Urmston is the council can’t even do the basics, clear the leaves, unblock the drains, keep the place clean and tidy, they just want to come up with vanity type schemes to waste money.

By Anonymous

Improve rail service, reliable regular trains. Keep the weeds down, keep the pavements clear, general tidyness would be a good start.

By Anonymous

Quick win Trafford… you can improve accessibility into Urmston by moving that Britain’s worst bike lane from the main road near Stretford tip.

By Paul

The housing needs to be looked at, as there is little movement in the market, and we all want our families to live nearer to us rather than trying to find more affordable housing elsewhere. A symptom of this is the number of extensions going on. With fewer options to buy, children are staying at their parents’ homes for longer. An aging population will also put more strain on the services here, GPs, dentists, etc.

By JoA

The roads needs repairing first

By Avril Curran

Bring back the promised market!!!

By Anonymous

Tram, Tram, Tram… brings infrastructure and investment. House prices will increase also

By Charlie G

More shops not bars and restaurants. Traffic is atrocious and will only get worse. Need to improve traffic system chaos caused by the Trafford Centre.

By Anonymous

Should,nt you try to fill the empty shops first .

By Mr Jones.

Urmston is a gem of a place to live, but since 1965 the traffic has just got heavier and heavier. To preserve its feel of a giant park, protect its green spaces, and take traffic away. Can careful consideration to design be given to these redevelopment sites so we don’t end up with boring boxes of buildings. Urmston shopping centre is an uninspiring parade of boxes, precious little greenery and interest.

By Mark Herbert

Urmston seriously lacks any real accessibility. The one single common factor in the other town centres mentioned is they all have a tram station. Period. Having a tram station connects it directly to the wider city and attracts a new generation of home owners, professionals, business owners and brings energy and investment into the town.

Having recently moved to Urmston, it does feel like a time-warp compared to other local towns and the lack of investment is starkly clear.

The town centre also needs careful curation and consideration to the types of businesses also. It’s an endless repeat of hair salon and nail salons – it’s honestly like a cartoon backdrop on repeat. These businesses don’t prop up a town centre, it’s new and exciting eateries, bars, grocers and independents that give a town centre life and give the area desirability. A great case study of regeneration and high street curation was Stanley Sq in Sale.

By Wayne

Recently had family move back here from abroad who have moved out of the area again as Trafford had no suitable schools to offer the children. Local schools are over subscribed so why keep building new family homes?

By Anonymous

I can name several things that don’t involve pedestrianising things.
Trams, improved services, improved roads, stop trying to eradicate all the greenery, give us a damn shoe shop

By Anonymous

I moved out of Urmston in 2010 for love, even though I said I would never move back to Partington.
Now after a separation this year I realise moving out of Urmston was a big mistake.
Housing list is gargantuan, private rent is for the rich, buying property is for the mega rich.
Getting back to paradise is now a pipe dream at best.

By Andrew Davenport

So much potential but bad planning seems to water it down time and time again. Some great restaurants popping up but sadly many don’t last long term. It would be nice for urmston to have a more upmarket feel, less fry up cafes and more brunch and healthy food options. Less failing newsagents and more independent shops. Less ‘pound’ shops in such close proximity and more social space or useful stores (different to the one next to it).

An example of the degradation of stores was the lovely fishmongers which is now a lime green , brightly lit vape shop (as if another vape shop/newsagent was necessary). Does town planning not take on to consideration who can rent a space and what that store would add to the community?

The market was something to look forward to but who knows what’s happening there.

A big impact needs to be made to attract better quality vendors like what we can see in sale and altrincham 🤞.

Local parks also need improvement and more green space in general for families.

By Emma

Urmston is a good place to live but could be great. The one thing we DON’T need is the much lauded tram. The tram would cost hundreds of thousands and still leave the place looking like a poor relative to Altrincham, Sale, Hale etc. What we DO need is to get what we already have right. Improve the bus and train services. Clean the pavements, clear the weeds/litter, remove graffiti, replant trees especially where they have been removed, i.e. along Canterbury Road and the margins that abut the motorway (the greenery has never been replanted after the existing shrubs/trees were removed when the traffic management system was installed). Fix the pots holes, improve the library (take a look at Swinton Library for inspiration), cut the grass (and clean up the cuttings afterwards), follow through with previous promises i.e. the market hall – I could go on. IMO unless the basics are up to standard there is no point in spending money on large projects – it’s the equvalent of putting a silk dress on a pig.

By Hannah

Stop the pavement parking on Woodsend Road, cleanthe weeds up on moorside Road, re surface the pavements outside the Post office on Lostock Road, and moorside Road outside the Butchers at woodsend. All this is a disgrace and the council make unfortunate mess when the cut the grass verges. They never clear up the cuttings on roads and prune the overhanging trees. I could go on!! And on!!

By Resident Flixton of 50years.

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